The Academies Act passed by Parliament a few weeks ago has enabled a number of schools to be fast-tracked to academy status. By becoming academies, schools will be free from the control of their local authority. They have the autonomy and the flexibility to manage their own budget and adapt the curriculum in direct response to the needs of their students. Academy schools are also committed to supporting and sharing their expertise with other local schools.
Theresa said, “This is excellent news for Queen Elizabeth Boys’ School. It is a great achievement for them to be included within the first wave of schools to convert to academy status.”
“Although QE Boys’ School is already within the best in the country, this move will help to raise school standards even further as teachers will have the autonomy to tailor the curriculum directly to the needs of their pupils. Greater budgetary freedom will also ensure that the school’s resources and services are customised to meet the requirements of their pupils. Alongside this, it will provide valuable support and advice to neighbouring schools that are looking to convert to academy status in the future.”
“This Government has made record progress in approving so many schools for academy status in the few weeks since the Academies Act was passed. A hundred and forty-two schools are set to convert to academies this academic year, which is in sharp contrast to an overall total of just two hundred and three under whole of the previous Government.”