Theresa Villiers, MP for Chipping Barnet, has protested to Barnet Council about the handling of resurfacing works in Salisbury Road, which meant that an estimated five day closure turned into five weeks.
The MP has been in touch with residents over many months regarding the problems caused by the Mayor of London’s decision to route the 384 bus down the street. She recently met a number of them for a street corner meeting to hear about problems the resurfacing work necessitated by the use of Salisbury Road by the 384 bus.
Following that meeting, Theresa said “The heavy wear and tear on the road in recent months has been caused by the Mayor’s decision to send the 384 bus. The road is far too narrow to be a bus route. I have raised this with the Mayor and TfL many times. Having heard how angry residents are about the disruption the bus is causing I am going to ask Mayor Khan again to move the route to another street. He should start listening to Barnet residents.”
“It was apparently TfL who insisted on a full carriageway reconstruction in Salisbury Road because of the heavy weight of the 384 bus. But numerous problems arose during the work because Barnet Council contractors kept hitting water pipes causing floods and water outages. Some residents also had their power cut off. One delay was followed by another.”
“These five weeks of work have been a nightmare for residents and I am asking Barnet Council to work out what went so badly wrong, so other streets do not have to go through the same issues. I will also continue to campaign for an alternative route for the 384.”
Digital imprint: Promoted by Theresa Villiers MP of 163 High Street, Barnet, Herts, EN5 2AA