Theresa Villiers community survey on building and development

I'm always keen to hear what my constituents think. Why not take a minute or two to complete my quick survey  about building and development in Barnet so I know what issues matter most to you and your family? 

Theresa Villiers community survey on building and development

  • Current Local building and development
  • National Issues
  • Get involved
  • Your details
1.1. How important is the issue of planning, development and home building to you and your family on a scale of one to ten where one is "not important at all" and ten is “very important to me"?
1.3. Which of the following principles do you think is the most important in deciding whether a development proposal should go ahead? Pick three.
1.4. Do you think we should keep station car parks or build over them?
1.5. Which of these general options for the future of The Spires shopping centre would be you prefer:
1.6. Do you agree with the proposal by the owner of The Spires’ plan to remove much of the multi-storey car park, reducing the number of public parking spaces in Barnet Town Centre by around 40%?
1.7. Planning rules are supposed protect green belt land from development but there is a proposal to build a caravan park to be built in a field in Mays Lane. Do you support Theresa’s campaign to stop this incursion into the green belt?