Endorsements: I'm backing Theresa Villiers for Barnet!

“I’ve seen Theresa’s commitment on education. She helped set up brilliant schools like St Andrew’s. She got more funding for all local schools. She deserves the backing of parents in this election and I know she’ll fight for my kids to have the best opportunities,” Lara Ayodeji-Akindiji, Barnet resident.

We are so lucky to have had Theresa Villiers as our MP for 19 years. And I can say she is one of the most attentive and dedicated MPs. Theresa listens to everyone, ensuring every voice in our community is heard. Her commitment to addressing our concerns and making a real difference is truly inspiring. I will be voting for her,” Anila Skeja, East Barnet resident.

"I will be voting for Theresa in the upcoming election. I, along with others, may have some questions and doubts on the national scale, but I recognise that in Theresa, we have a local MP dedicated to local matters and helping the local community. As such, I strongly encourage others to focus on local matters and choose Theresa as our MP. In particular, as a Jewish person living in Edgwarebury ward, I'm grateful to Theresa for all her hard work on behalf of our community in the past and her commitment to continuing that in the future. I look forward to voting for Theresa and encourage others to do so," Benjamin Goldberg, Edgwarebury resident.

"I'm voting for Theresa because she will stand up for our interests. She has been delivering a plan for Barnet which has helped improve local health facilities, increase funding for schools, and help young people get access to apprenticeships. We should stick with that plan, not take a risk with a Labour MP who would not stand up to Sadiq Khan when he imposes unwanted measures like further charges on driving," Daniel Cohen, High Barnet resident.

“Theresa has always stood up for the Jewish community, visiting Israel to show her support after the 7th October atrocity. Labour’s track record on antisemitism concerns us deeply. We don’t want to lose a superb MP and must keep Theresa in Parliament to hold a possible Labour government and Mayor Khan to account and speak up for Barnet and Israel,” Adrian Korsner, Whetstone resident.

“I’m voting for Theresa because she knows how vital it is to support local businesses. She has always been there for my business, helping us out whenever we have asked her, especially during Covid. So much depends on growing the economy and to do that you have to create the right climate for businesses to thrive. Theresa is determined to do that. Labour would just put up our taxes, as they always do,” Tofozzal Miah, owner of the Bayleaf restaurant in Whetstone.

“I was so shocked when the 84 bus from Potters Bar to High Barnet was withdrawn. I asked Theresa to help and she took action. She worked on a with residents and people from other political parties to bring back an 84B route. This has made a real difference to my life. I know Theresa has also worked to improve rail and tube services, and get potholes fixed.” Anne-Marie Pearce, Hadley Highstone resident.

“We need to keep Theresa as our MP because she has a strong record on fighting against damaging policies from Labour like Ulez expansion and the A1000 bus lanes. She has also spoken out many times against antisemitism and she backs Israel,” Lilian Salmons, New Barnet resident.

"Our local environment is important to my family, and we need Theresa as our MP to safeguard it. She has worked closely with residents to oppose high-rise flats that don't suit our suburban area," Vineeta Mittal, High Barnet resident.

“I'm voting for Theresa because she has shown she can get results. She campaigned for more police, leading to a record number of Met officers. She's also fighting against Sadiq Khan's plan to sell Barnet police station and opposes his anti-car measures, including the costly Ulez expansion," Daniel Dieppe, Barnet Vale resident.

“Theresa is the hardest working MP that I know of. She sticks up for all creeds and colours, cultures, and religions. And let’s face it, if you were thinking of a protest vote, why would you protest against what is working in this constituency, which is her, working for us. But if you did vote something else like Reform, you would get Labour. I say, stick to what is best, which has been proven over a number of years. Vote Theresa Villiers,” Keith Fraser, Woodside Park resident and former UKIP parliamentary candidate.

“I have worked as a GP for more than 30 years and I have seen Theresa Villiers being passionate about the NHS. She has tirelessly worked hard for her constituents on a wide range of issues, but I would particularly want to point out her passion & drive to improve both primary care & secondary care services in NHS in her area. My daughter who is also a GP & is her constituent, shares my thoughts too,” Dr Kamala Thevamanoharan, N11 resident.

“As an NHS doctor, I have worked in both primary care & secondary care for nearly four decades. I continue to work at the age of 73. But what I want to point out here is my experience as a patient in Barnet. The services I have received from my own GP practice and at Barnet Hospital and Chase Farm hospital have been exemplary. I would like to thank all the NHS staff for their professionalism and dedication. My gratitude goes to Theresa Villiers, my MP for all her endeavours in maintaining local NHS standards,” Dr Nagarajah Thevamanoharan, N11 resident.

“As a young person in Chipping Barnet, I know that Theresa will always have my best interests at heart. She worked to bring more apprenticeships to the area as well as supporting bringing in two new faith schools, Jcoss and St Andrew the Apostle. She also led the campaign to save the three maintained nurseries. Theresa will always be a champion for higher school funding in the area,” Amberley Thay, New Barnet resident.

“I believe Theresa is very knowledgeable about MP’s responsibilities with strong understanding of both local and national issues. She has consistently championed integrity and fostered a culture of openness, which champions local democracy and participation. Theresa does an excellent job in connecting and helping the community with various issues and queries. By referring to her website and all her activities and achievements, I always found her reports to be helpful, informative, fair with intelligent judgemental and independent. Theresa will generally do everything she can to help constituents. We are very grateful to all her hard work and wish her all success to be our MP again,“ Ellie Kani, dental care professional, Underhill resident.

"Of local North London MPs we campaigners know Theresa Villiers has been the most industrious and committed to better governance, making personal appearances at appeals and pressing our causes to ministers in the Commons. Without her experienced intervention most Barnet communities would soon suffer from adverse planning decisions, such as the threat to close Cockfosters station car parking," Peter W Gibbs, retired company director, Cockfosters resident.

"My husband and I have lived in Barnet for over 30 years. Theresa has worked very hard to support local businesses, keep our green spaces, and also campaigned to keep local health centres open and improve hospital facilities. She is genuine and puts a lot of effort to better the lives of all communities in Barnet. Theresa has been a tower of strength to the Tamil community during a very distressing period. She continues to be a voice for the Tamils in Parliament and the UN. We wish her all the very best in the coming election. Thaksha Ravikulan, Cockfosters resident.

“I live in Chipping Barnet and have know Theresa Villiers for 20 years. I feel she works very hard, not only in her constituency, but also fighting Cyprus's corner for freedom and unification. She is a strong supporter of our community schools especially in making sure the Greek A-level exam was continued. She has my unreserved support,” Elissa Ellina, teacher, Brunswick Park resident.

“I live in Chipping Barnet and met Theresa Villiers 20 years ago. I feel she works very hard not only in her constituency but also fighting Cyprus's corner for freedom and unification. She is a strong supporter of our community schools especially in continuing of the exams on the Greek A-level. She has my unreserved support.” Elissa Ellina, Teacher 

"I am delighted to endorse Theresa Villiers, your Conservative candidate in the General Election on 4th July. Over the last 19 years as your representative in Parliament, Theresa has been a true friend of both Israel and the UK’s Jewish community. She has stood firmly with Israel and worked tirelessly to combat antisemitism, particularly in recent months following the atrocities of 7th October 2023.

Theresa has met with the families of hostages and repeatedly raised their plight with Government Ministers in Parliament, as well as visiting Israel in January on a CFI solidarity trip to bear witness to the harrowing events and hear directly from those impacted. She has been a frequent attendee at rallies in support of Israel and against antisemitism and has urged the police to “use the full force of the law against perpetrators of anti-Jewish hate crime”.

Theresa has shown unflinching determination in her support for Israel throughout this challenging period. She is a Vice Chair of CFI and has spoken in Parliament many times in support of Israel, raising awareness of the existential threats Israel faces including from Iran.

Theresa has pledged her commitment to ensuring religious freedoms will not be compromised and as a Cabinet Minister from 2012 to 2016 she helped secure the annual, now £18 million, security fund to protect Jewish schools and other community premises. In February 2024, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announced £54 million of new, additional funding to the Community Security Trust (CST) as part of the Jewish Community Protective Security Grant.

As Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, Theresa was a committed defender of shechita, opposing regulations that would increase the cost of kosher meat through labelling changes. In June 2019, Theresa led a landmark debate calling on the Government to recognise the plight of over 850,000 Jewish refugees who were forced to flee their historic communities in the Middle East and North Africa since 1945. In March 2018, Theresa introduced legislation in Parliament to maintain Holocaust survivors’ right to recover their artwork and cultural objects looted in the Nazi era," Lord Polak, Honorary President of Conservative Friends of Israel.

“As a member of British Hindu and Indian community in north London, I will be voting to return a strong Conservative government led by PM Rishi Sunak.  Theresa Villiers has always spoken up for the British Hindus and British Indian community in parliament. Locally and nationally Theresa has championed and encouraged good causes in our community. Theresa’s support for the Hindu Manifesto 2024  is hugely appreciated by the Hindus across the globe. Theresa spoke out against the attacks on Hindu Temples in the Midlands in September 2022, during the Leicester unrest. We in the Hindu community are also grateful to Theresa for taking a  strong stance on antisemitism. Over the years, Theresa has advanced strong ties of friendship, trade, and culture between India and the UK. 

Recently, Theresa has been instrumental in bringing to the statue books ban on live export of animals for slaughter. This has resonated well with many in our community. Locally, Theresa has opposed the disproportionate anti-car measures in north London and urged the local Labour run Barnet council to repair the dangerous potholes. Theresa's concern and action for preserving green spaces and opposing high rise developments is appreciated by local residents.

I am delighted to support Theresa Villiers for a resounding victory in Chipping Barnet.” Dr Harsha Jani, Barnet resident.

Digital imprint: Promoted by Theresa Villiers of 163 High Street, Barnet, EN5 5SU.